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What do Elba Hotels smell like?

What do Elba Hotels smell like?

10 / 07 / 2015 - Elba news

Surely all of you will have wonder thousands of times if the hotel you chose would comply with your expectations and will have also wondered ¿Will the rooms be as pretty as they appear in the images of their web? Will the service will be as complete as they indicate?

In Hoteles Elba we want to go beyond and we do not only conform by meeting your expectations but we want to get close and satisfy our clients through the five senses. The objective is days or even hours spent an our hotel to be an unforgettable and unique experience so that even our smell remains forever in the memory of all ours guest and visitors.

To generate this type of experiences, the white orchid has been the recently chosen fragrance for aromatizing our hotels. A flower that was originated more than 60 million years ago in the mild areas of Asia and North America, raising interest due to its exquisite fragrance; to the extent that the Chinese philosopher Confucius (551-479 TO.C.) referred as it as " the queen of the fragrant plants".

Its exoticism and delicacy make it a flower that represents beauty, luxury, love, fertility and perfection. Its growing is complicated, what makes it even more special.

White is the color of purity and eternity. That is the reason why the white orchid is the best option to express a lasting, innocent, and pure love before the loved person and one of the favorite options in the decoration of anniversaries and bridal bouquets.


10 / 07 / 2015 - Elba news