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Privacy Policy and Cookies


  • Tax Identification Number (NIF): B35458231
  • Registered office: Island of Fuerteventura, Término Municipal de la Antigua, Urbanización Golf Resort, Hotel Elba Sara, carretera de Jandía 11, Antigua, Fuerteventura
  • Registration data: registered in the Commercial Registry of Puerto del Rosario, in book 7, folio 149, sheet number IF-347
  • Email: atencioncliente.web@hoteleselba.com


By reading this Privacy Policy, the User is informed of how ELBA HOTELS collects, processes and protects the personal data provided through its website, as well as its own connection and navigation through it, by email and any other information that may be provided in the future to ELBA HOTELS through the Accommodation Contract or any other means.

The User must read this Privacy Policy carefully, which has been written in a clear and simple way, to facilitate understanding, to voluntarily choose if you wish to provide your personal data, or those of third parties, to ELBA HOTELS.


In general, the data requested in the forms accessible from the ELBA HOTELS website is essential (unless otherwise specified in the required field) to meet the stated purposes. Therefore, if they are not provided or are not provided correctly, they can not be attended to.


Depending on the requests of the User, the personal data collected will be processed by ELBA HOTELS according to the following purposes:

  • Manage reservations, including payment management (where applicable) and the management of your requests and preferences.
  • Manage the subscription to the newsletter and subsequent sending of it.
  • Manage the Fidelity Card program.
  • Manage your contact requests with ELBA HOTELS through the channels provided for it.
  • Manage the sending of personalised commercial communications of ELBA HOTELS, via electronic and/or conventional means, in cases where the User gives their express consent.
  • Manage the sending of personalised commercial communications of the Fidelity Card program, via electronic and/or conventional means, unless the User indicates otherwise by checking the corresponding box, or expresses their opposition to said processing.
  • Manage the provision of the contracted accommodation service, as well as the additional stay services.
  • Manage the conducting of surveys and/or assessments related to the quality of the services provided by ELBA HOTELS and/or the perception of its image as a company.

User data will be kept for the period strictly necessary for the fulfilment of each purpose, or until the User requests their data to be removed from ELBA HOTELS, opposes or revokes their consent.


ELBA HOTELS may process the following data categories, depending on the request made by the User:

  • Identifying data: name, surnames, identity documents.
  • Contact information: Address, mobile phone, email address.
  • Data corresponding to the Fidelity Card loyalty program.
  • Codes or identification keys of the User.
  • Personal data: date of birth, sex, nationality.
  • Preference data.
  • Card data, necessary to make the payment of the reservation or to guarantee it, as well as to pay for the stay or the services associated with it.

In case of registration and/or access through a third party account, ELBA HOTELS may collect and access certain information from the User's profile of the corresponding social network, only for internal administrative purposes and/or for the purposes indicated above.

In the event that the User provides data of third parties, he/she declares to have their consent and undertakes to transfer the information contained in this Privacy Policy to the interested party, the owner of said data, exempting ELBA HOTELS from any liability in this respect. However, ELBA HOTELS may carry out the necessary verifications to confirm this fact, adopting the appropriate due diligence measures, in accordance with data protection regulations.


The data processing required to fulfil the aforementioned purposes, which require the consent of the User to be performed, will not be carried out without consent.

Likewise, should the User withdraw their consent to any of the processes, this will not affect the legality of the processing done previously.

To revoke said consent, the User may contact ELBA HOTELS through the following channels: Via letter addressed to C/Menéndez Pelayo 1, 15005 to Coruña, or by email to atencioncliente.web@hoteleselba.com, in both cases with the Reference “Data Protection”.

Also, in cases where it is necessary to process User data in order to fulfil a legal obligation, or for the execution of the existing contractual relationship between ELBA HOTELS and the User, the processing would be legitimised since it is necessary for compliance with said purposes. On the other hand, processing done to carry out surveys and/or evaluations related to the quality of the services provided by ELBA HOTELS and/or the perception of its image as a company will be carried out based on the legitimate interest of the person in charge.


User data may be communicated to:

  • Invested companies or the ANJOCA/HOTELES ELBA business group, solely for internal administrative purposes and/or for the aforementioned purposes.
  • Operators of hotels managed by ELBA HOTELS or franchised, only for internal administrative purposes and/or for the previously indicated purposes.
  • Suppliers of ELBA HOTELS or of the hotel operators necessary for the adequate fulfilment of the legal obligations and/or the purposes previously indicated.
  • Partners and collaborating companies of ELBA HOTELS for the fulfilment of the aforementioned purposes and/or, if authorised, for sending marketing communications.
  • Public Administrations, when provided by Law.

The recipients indicated in this section may be located within or outside the European Economic Area, in the latter case being duly legitimated international data transfers.


The User:

  • Guarantees to be of legal age or legally independent, where appropriate, fully capable, and that the data provided to ELBA HOTELS are true, accurate, complete and up-to-date. For these purposes, the User is responsible for the truthfulness of all the data communicated and will keep the information updated in a timely manner, so that it responds to their real situation.
  • Guarantees that he/she has informed third parties of whom the User has provided data, if any, of the aspects contained in this document. He/she also guarantees to have obtained their authorisation to provide their data to ELBA HOTELS for the indicated purposes.
  • Will be responsible for false or inaccurate information provided through the Website and any damages, direct or indirect, that this may cause to ELBA HOTELS or to third parties.


One of the purposes for which ELBA HOTELS processes User data will be to send commercial communications, by electronic and/or conventional means, with information related to products, services, promotions, offers, events or relevant news for Users. Whenever any communication of this type is made, it will be addressed solely and exclusively to those Users who have authorised its reception and/or who have not previously expressed their refusal to receive them.

To carry out the work stated above, ELBA HOTELS may analyse the data obtained in order to create user profiles that allow a more detailed definition of the products that may be of interest.

Should the User wish to stop receiving commercial or promotional communications from ELBA HOTELS, he/she can request the cancellation of the service by sending an email to the following email address: atencioncliente.web@hoteleselba.com, as well as indicating his/her wish to stop receiving these via the unsubscribe option provided in each of the commercial communications sent.


The User can send a letter to C/ Menéndez Pelayo 1, 15005 a Coruña, or by email to atencioncliente.web@hoteleselba.com, in both cases, with the Reference “Data Protection”, enclosing a photocopy of their valid identity document or passport, at any time and free of charge, to:

  • Revoke the consents granted.
  • Get confirmation about whether or not ELBA HOTELS is processing personal data concerning the User.
  • Access the User’s personal data.
  • Rectify inaccurate or incomplete data.
  • Request the deletion of their data when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes they were collected for.
  • Obtain from ELBA HOTELS the data processing limitation when any of the conditions provided in the data protection regulations are fulfilled.
  • Obtain human intervention, to express your point of view and to challenge the automated decisions taken by ELBA HOTELS.
  • Request the portability of your data.

Likewise, the user is informed that at any time he/she may file a claim regarding the protection of his/her personal data before the competent Authority.


ELBA HOTELS will process User data in a fully confidential manner at all times, maintaining the mandatory secrecy regarding them, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations, adopting the necessary technical and organisational measures to guarantee the security of data and avoid its alteration, loss, processing or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed.

Last updated: 22nd of MAY, 2018

Cookie Policy

The www.hoteleselba.com website uses cookies, which are files sent to your browser from a web server in order to provide the user with faster access to web pages. These files are associated exclusively with a single user and the device they access the site from. Moreover, these cookies help customise the site navigation.

The user can configure its browser to notify and reject the installation of cookies sent by www.hoteleselba.com, without the user being denied access to content. However, we state that the performance of the website might not be as optimal as an experience compared with a user who accepts cookies.

The cookies are categorized according to their permanence in 2 types, session (disappear when the user closes the browser) and permanent (need to remove manually and used, for example, to keep a user identified.)

Type and operation:

  • Cookie yield: This type serves to remember your preferences when you revisit the site, for example to keep booking dates in the search.
  • Cookie registration: To measure and analyse user navigation on the Website. These cookies allow us to track and analyse the behaviour of the users on our site. They are totally anonymous.
  • Advertising Cookies: We use cookies to show Elba Hotels advertising on other websites. This form of advertising is called "retargeting" and is mainly based on the destinations sought out or accommodation that you have previously consulted.

Cookies Types.

Required: For online reservations, registration details, user sessions 

For Elba Hotels, this allows us to manage and maintain your session with us to an optimum level, as well as customizing your navigation and load balancing you experience.


Name of company: (Provider of cookie) Google

Function: Google Analytics:

To improve our service to our users by tracking and displaying and frequency, number and frequency of visits, time spent browsing, searches performed, links accessed, type of browser used, service operator, and location linked to the IP address.


Measure and analyse user navigation, tracking and analysis of user behavior, profiling anonymous user navigation, improvements based on the analysis of user data usage.

How to disable the Cookies:

Modern browsers allow you to change the configuration of Cookies. These adjustments are usually in the ' Options ' or 'Preferences ' menu of your browser. To withdraw your consent, the user can disable cookies by modifying their browser settings.