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July 3, International Plastic Bag Free Day 2019

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July 3, International Plastic Bag Free Day 2019

03 / 07 / 2019 - Elba news

July 3, International Plastic Bag Free Day 2019


Reflection day about the excess of plastic consumption, pollution and environment.


The International Plastic Bag Free Day is celebrated on July 3, a day that Elba Hotels supports in order to promote social awareness and environment care. The prohibition of single use plastics agreed by the European Union for 2021 is claimed as one of the solutions needed to reduce pollution.

According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Environment, it is estimated that each Spaniard consumes an average of 238 plastic bags per year and only 10% of these are recycled. The over consumption of this material has a clear impact on our seas and oceans.

Therefore, if we want to contribute to the preservation of our seas and the life they contain, we must do everything possible in our daily routines to reduce the use of plastics whose waste ends up in the ocean. We tell you how.


Some tips for using less plastics


A very useful practice is to always carry with us a cloth bag, or any other reusable material bag, that we will use instead of accepting a new plastic one in any purchase we make.

If we usually eat out, we can use our own cutlery instead of disposable, replace plastic tupperware with glass and use refillable glass water bottles instead of the typical plastic ones ... These are simple but effective habits.

We must bear in mind that many tools that we use on a daily basis could be chosen from other natural materials. Cotton, hemp or jute are resistant, hold many uses and can be recycled.

Any act in this direction, however small it may seem, is important. Adopting these tips will help treat our planet and our seas more kindly. And, in the end, we ourselves will be the most benefited, because we can preserve our natural environment and leave it with dignity to future generations. 

03 / 07 / 2019 - Elba news