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Happy International Human Solidarity Day!

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Happy International Human Solidarity Day!

31 / 08 / 2018 - Elba news

Happy International Human Solidarity Day!


31 August is International Human Solidarity Day. Learn about the best phrases, images and the origin of this holiday, celebrating cooperation for world peace.


“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another”. Charles Dickens.

The concept of solidarity has no other meaning than giving something to others without expecting anything in return, usually to those who have less and/or who suffer more. This is the main objective of International Human Solidarity Day, to think less about ourselves and more about those who nobody else thinks about.

Let Elba Hotels tell you why we celebrate on 31 August and some ways to celebrate this day.

Origins of the holiday

At the end of the year 2000, the UN proclaimed 31 August as International Human Solidarity Day, coinciding with the anniversary of the beginning of the Solidarnosc movement, a Polish union that had great influence on the end of communism and the beginning of a democratic system in Poland. Its leader, Lech Walesa, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983.

International Human Solidarity Day helps to promote and foster the ideals of solidarity as the fundamental values for relations within and among nations, communities and individuals. There are enough reasons to celebrate this day annually in his name, as to remind us that passivity and indifference are our main enemies.

Celebrate International Human Solidarity Day

Celebrating International Human Solidarity Day is a way to try to make the world a more human place. To achieve this, education in values and respect for individual freedom is fundamental.

Many times we think that those who need help are far away, on the other side of the Atlantic or the Strait, and we do not realise how our neighbours may be suffering, people with some type of disability or their families, unable to properly care for each other. There is no better way to celebrate this day than offering your time, life’s most valued asset.

31 / 08 / 2018 - Elba news