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Happy Friendship Day!

Happy Friendship Day!

30 / 07 / 2018 - Elba news


On 30 July Friendship Day is celebrated, a day to enjoy with those who love and care for us all year round!


What would we be without our friends? Our friends share our daily lives, our secrets, sleepless nights and of course, those party nights which are the source of so many conversations the following day and which, no matter how much time has passed, will always be remembered.

We at Elba Hotels know that taking a holiday with your friends is one of the best things you can do and that these plans are ageless. Discover how to celebrate with your friends on 30 July.

Why do we celebrate Friendship Day?

On 20 July 1958 a group of friends in Paraguay got together to celebrate the Day of the Tree. The doctor Artemio Bracho was the person who came up with the idea in his speech. At that meeting the World Friendship Crusade was formed with the motto “For a better and more humane world”.

This initiative has gained followers year after year in Latin America and in 1964 the initiative was formalised by Paraguay’s Ministry of Culture. Almost 50 years later, on 3 May 2011, the UN decided to give this international celebration an official date.

When is it celebrated?

Friendship Day is very popular in Latin American and the date put forward by the United Nations isn’t often followed. In Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay it’s celebrated on 20 July, in Bolivia it’s celebrated on 23 July, meanwhile Peruvians celebrate this day on the first weekend of July. It’s not widely celebrated in Europe.

Celebrate Friendship Day with your friends

Make the most of this holiday to head back to your home town and relive your memories, plan a city break at our hotel in Madrid or discover the Adults Only options offered by our hotel chain.

Celebrate friendship with Elba Hotels!

30 / 07 / 2018 - Elba news