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Discovering Canarian wines

Discovering Canarian wines

29 / 09 / 2017 - Elba news

Discovering Canarian wines


Learn more about Canarian wines, where they are produced and everything else you need to know. You can also enjoy them at Elba Hotels.


The Canary Islands have been producing wine for over three centuries. Before bananas became their number one export, the islands were renowned for their wine, which was popular amongst the high class in both Europe and America.

The volcanic soil, wide range of microclimates and altitude changes in the islands are the perfect factors to produce varied, complex wines. The most common grape types are Malvasía, Moscatel, Listán, Gual and Sabro, from which white, red and rosé wines are produced.

In total, there are eleven renowned locations where Canarian wines are produced – five of which are in Tenerife.

White wines

Blanco Viña Arese (DOP Abona) is the star amongst Canarian white wines. This year, it was awarded with a Golden Medal in the Ministry of Agriculture’s regional competition. The semisweet Brumas de Ayosa (DOP Valle de Güímar), which has received the same prize, will also please the most refined of palates.

Red wines

Red wine is the most popular variety worldwide. Marba Tinto Barrica (DOP Tacoronte-Acentejo) pairs perfectly with Canarian dishes. Other widely recognised red wines are Viña La Vica Vica and Desentidos, both of which have been awarded with a Gold Medal and a Special Mention in the Civas Contest 2017.

The best wine in the Canary Islands

The best Canarian wine is doubtlessly Testamento Malvasía Esencia. Its taste and quality have stood out from over 155 varieties, earning this wine the award of Best Canarian Wine this year.

If you love wine, visit the Canary Islands. We are looking forward to welcoming you in our hotel Elba Vecindario with the best selection!

29 / 09 / 2017 - Elba news