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The benefits of Reiki at Elba Hotels

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The benefits of Reiki at Elba Hotels

15 / 12 / 2014 - Beauty Corner

The benefits of Reiki at Elba Hotels

Born in Japan, around the mid to late 1800s, as the result of years of research and development by Dr Mikao Usui, Reiki is still, nowadays, a very popular form of energy healing. Some believe that Dr Usui just rediscovered this healing technique and that, in fact, it had already been practiced in Tibet for quite some time prior.

But just what is Reiki and what are its benefits?

The word Reiki comes from the Japanese words Rei and Ki. Rei translates somewhat as the creating force behind all things inanimate and animate within the universe such as a God or a Higher Intelligence. Ki is the living force contained within all beings. In China it is called the Chi, in India they call it the Prana and in the Western world, it is looked upon as the vital life force.

With these definitions in mind, Reiki can, thus, be defined as a healing energy force that is guided by a Higher Intelligence, something divine or spiritual.

In Chinese medicine it is very much believed that all disease manifesting in the body is a consequence of long term disease with the Chi. In fact, some argue that every living being has two bodies, the physical one and the subtle energy one. Stress, pollution, noise, negative emotions, thoughts and actions, and every day events that contradict with our true self, can take their toll on living beings and their Ki. It can throw the mind, body, soul harmony into disarray and cause us harm on an energetic level by impeding the free flow of Ki through the body.

In Indian tradition, when the Prana doesn’t flow freely through the body, it’s believed that the seven Chakras, which are the wheels of life turning in our subtle body, become blocked. If it is not unblocked easily and swiftly it will lead to disease in the subtle body that will, sooner or later, manifest in the physical body. The longer a disease in the subtle body goes untreated the more serious the disease will be in the physical body.

Reiki is a healing tool used to restore health to the subtle and physical body by working on the mind, body and soul contemporaneously. A Reiki Master is the person who usually carries out the healing. This person is nothing more than a channel through which universal energy flows and is transmitted, skilfully under spiritual guidance, to where it is needed most in order to heal the receiver mentally, physically and/or spiritually.

Every living being reacts differently to a Reiki treatment but the one thing they all share in common is that they find the whole experience profoundly relaxing.

Here in the Gran Hotel Elba Estepona we have two Reiki Masters. Call us to book your appointment now! 


Author: Venerina Conti – Spa Manager – Gran Hotel Elba Estepona & Thalasso Spa.


15 / 12 / 2014 - Beauty Corner